Friday, March 7, 2014

The Sky Is NOT Falling (Yet)

So, earlier today Blizzard released a new blog, Building Healthy Gameplay that provides some details about their healing and health plan for Warlords of Draenor. This has sparked a bit of an uproar in the Mistweaver community surrounding the loss of mobility, the possible loss of being in melee, and an overall slowing down of the spec. All of these are key aspects of the MW playstyle that attracted many players to it.

As a response to these changes, there are a few people saying they will be switching classes in Warlords, and probably a few more thinking about it. While it's ok to speculate on how things might be, to go to that extreme is at this point very premature. It is far too soon to be calling out that the the sky is falling.

Celestalon has said numerous times that there are many interconnected changes going into Warlords. I would be willing to bet that at this point we have only the barest glimmer of what those changes actually are. There are still things we need to know to really start to see where we're headed. Specifically,

  • How will Crane Stance work? and by extention the entire Fistweaving style.
  • How will Chi generation work? Do the same spells generate chi? How much do they generate?
  • Will the spells we have even do the same thing? A spell between now and Warlords may only have the name in common.

There are very likely to be many other questions that need to be answered before we can get an accurate picture of what the spec will be like.

Speculation based on what we have can help to inform what the spec could look like. Particularly when done with other people where ideas can be tossed around and adapt to other perspectives. When you basically give up on a spec, especially when we don't even have beta yet.

Instead of giving up now, make note of those things you don't like or think will end up as something you don't like. Then, when the beta is released, try that shit out! If it does end up "bad" (or even if it doesn't), provide constructive feedback to help make it better.

Give the change you want to see. Be the change you want to see.

If you need assistance in calming the fuck down, you can contact the Lets Not Freak Out About News On The Warlords Of Draenor Society at 1-800-calm-the-f-down.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

I'm making a post!

So this is my blog. I probably won't be posting much here, but I wanted to get something up so I could at least test the layout. Post break.